The Paradise Lake Association, Inc. is a non-profit Arizona corporation, comprised of its members and governed by its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Rules. The purpose of the PLA is to operate and maintain the properties owned by the PLA for the use and benefit of its members and the protection of Paradise Lake. The PLA properties include the lake and the 25’ strip of land surrounding the lake. Members both 1) own one or more lots that are contiguous with the PLA properties and 2) either joined the PLA or became members automatically because they bought their property from an existing member. Members may use the PLA properties as described in the Bylaws and Rules. Nonmembers and members not in good standing may not use the PLA properties.

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2017
Monthly PLA Board Meeting

Board Members present:  Frank Murphy, Chairman, Sherry Mitchell, Marcia Inde, Tom Kruse & John Bothof
For PLA Members in attendance, see sign-in sheet.

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM by Frank Murphy, Chairman. The minutes and the P&L Statement for the month of April were reviewed and accepted as written on a motion by Sherry with a second by Marcia.


    Sherry reported that we have not yet received written plans and diagrams from the electrical engineer contracted to draw these up for the fountain.  Therefore no activity on getting bids and related cost estimates has taken place. 

Right-of-Way and Boat Ramp
     Sherry also reported that she has been working with APS to find the original easements and agreements regarding the fountain and Right-of-Way, as well as the Boat Ramp for Paradise Lake but that they have been unsuccessful at this time. She stated that she plans to work on this again later this week. She also reported that Carl will be working on the wording of the agreement which was presented and approved at the April Meeting.

Lawsuit Update
     There has been no new activity related to the Law Suit.

Palm Tree Trimming
     Marcia reported that all the palm trees have been tagged for trimming and that there are 158 palms and 3 date palms included for a total of 161 trees. Trimming will begin as soon as there are 3 new shoots/seed pods per tree. The cost will be $45.00 per tree and it is to be noted that members can arrange to have private palm trees trimmed for the same price.  

PLA Insurance
     Tom reported that he has signed a renewal for PLA Insurance with the same coverage as previously with an annual increase of $17.00.


     There will be a social at Jean Whitten's Home on Friday the 19th of May, beginning at 9 AM.

June Meeting
     The next meeting is scheduled for June 14, 2017 at 6 PM to be held at the Hawkins Real Estate Office.

On a motion by Marcia, with a second by Frank, the formal meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM with informal discussion related to easements, street markings and insect control continuing.

Respectfully Submitted,
John H Bothof 

APRIL 12, 2017: PLA BOARD MEETING (Approved May 10, 2017)

Board Members present: Sherry Mitchell, Vice Chairman, Marcia Inde, and John Bothof.  
Absent:  Frank Murphy, Chairman, Tom Kruse
For attendees from the general Membership, see sign-in sheet

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Sherry Mitchell, Vice Chairman.  The minutes of the March Meeting were reviewed followed by the P & L Statement for March.  Both were accepted as written on a motion by Marcia with a second by John and approved on a voice vote by the Board.


     Sherry reported that there had been a lot of activity regarding the fountain in the past month.  An APS rep, an electrician and an electrical engineer have all looked at the configuration and we are contracting for engineering plans & specifications for the electrical work that needs to be done.  This will allow us to have electricians bid for the actual work, as well as APS to be able to give us a more accurate estimate for the cost of operating the fountain.  The bid for this is $2750.00, which the Board accepted and a check for half this amount has been sent.

Right-of-way and Boat Ramp
     Sherry reported that the current document regarding these issues have been reviewed by both our attorney and The Havens, purchaser of the Marina, and it is acceptable as written to all concerned.  It is also good for another 25 years.  A copy of the current agreement was available to all in attendance.   

Wall Repair
     Wall repair has been finished for this year.   

Lawsuit update
     There has been no further activity as far as the Lawsuit is concerned. 

Burn Permits
     The PLA no longer has burn permits until next fall.  Daily permits are available at the local Fire Department.


Rill Dock Approval
     Plans for the Rill Dock have been reviewed and meets the requirements for the PLA.  On a motion by Marcia with a second by John these plans were approved.  

     After last month's meeting, discussion ensued regarding when involvement by the general membership becomes needed.  Members were reminded that there are specific occasions, per PLA Bylaws, for the Membership to become involved: election of new board members; when a Board Member is considered for removal and when an expenditure will cost over $10,000 and it is not an emergency.   Generally the Board has been fairly lax in entertaining "input" from the floor.   

Palm Tree Trimming
     Marcia reported that we have received bids for the trimming of the palm trees at a slight increase to $45.00 per regular palms and date palms costing $50.00.  The cost to remove seedlings will be $20.00.  Personal trees for members of the PLA will be same as those for the PLA.  Marcia plans to begin marking the trees for trimming this coming week-end.      

     Jean Whitten has volunteered to host the next social after Mother's Day.

The Meeting was adjourned, by Sherry at 6:37 PM. on a motion by Marcia with a second by John.

Respectfully submitted,

John Bothof           

PLA Board Meeting (Approved April 12, 2017)

March 8, 2017

Board Members present: Frank Murphy, Chairman, Sherry Mitchell, Marcia Inde, and John Bothof 

Absent, Tom Kruse

For attendees from the regular PLA Membership, see the sign-in sheet. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frank Murphy at 6:03 PM.

The minutes from the February Meeting were reviewed along with the financial report for the Month of February.  These were then approved on a motion by Marcia with a second by Sherry.


Sherry outlined the status of the fountain and plans for placement of the meter and a switch by the edge of the property which would then make it un-necessary to enter the property to operate the fountain.  This does not however, change the fact that the original building which housed the generator and the control panel does not meet APS standards for safety and needs to be revised and up-graded before APS will "be on board" with the project.  It was then brought up that a buyer was in play for the property but Sherry was unable to state any more information at this time.  Frank then then explained the various options, to the meeting, including use of various pumps, out-put and expected results.  He also explained that operation of the fountain for 30 minutes per day with the various motors and out-put could amount to $300 to $400 per month.  This also does not ensure use of the boat-dock or access for APS to the electrical panel.  At this time, a member of the attendees stated that he was the intended buyer of the property in question and that we could be assured of continued access for launching boats, operation of the fountain and any other needed repairs.

Sherry also reported that the water which was collected for testing could not be used due to the fact that it had to be in "issued" containers and at the lab within 10 minutes of collection to test for chlorine.  She also reported that the chlorine which might be coming from private pools would not be in concentrations great enough to affect the fish population.   

Wall repair has not been happening at this time but will be done on an "as needed" basis.  Karl Forester stated that we need to be aware that the repairs do not make the wall and repairs "water-proof" or "leak-proof." 
It was reported that there are a number of properties which do not have any type of fencing or barriers and that children and animals are at risk.  The question was asked if we need to send a letter reminding property owners of the related dangers.  It was decided that at this time, this would not be done. 
Carl Meyer reported that there is no news or changes to be reported on the "on-going" law suit.  He also made it clear that once a lawsuit is started there is no arbitration. 
The next meeting is scheduled for April 12, 2017 at 6 PM at the A. C. Fire Department Meeting Room.
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Frank Murphy at 6:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Bothof

Monthly PLA Board Meeting

February 8, 2017 (approved March 8, 2017)

Board Members present:  Frank Murphy, Chairman, Marcia Inde, Sherry Mitchell, & John Bothof

Absent:  Tom Kruse

See sign-in sheet for attendees from the General Membership

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PLM by Chairman Frank Murphy.

The minutes of the January General Membership Meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.  The P & L statement was reviewed and accepted as written.  Both consent agenda items were then accepted by the entire Board on a motion by Sherry with a second by Marcia.

Frank gave an update on the current status of the fountain.  We will need to have APS as our sole energy source.  We will need to be removing some of the structure surrounding the current electrical panel at an estimate of $900 due to meeting safety requirements for APS employees.    We also need to have a separate easement agreement with Calvin which will then be passed on to any subsequent owners/buyers of his property which will grant the PLA permission and access to the control panel and electrical workings of the pump, as well as the ramp for launching boats for use of the PLA members.  When these arrangements can be made, it is planned to have a 25HP motor operating the “lower pump” only. 

Sherry introduced the newest member of the PLA, Bill Spangola who bought a lot on San Lazaro.

Sherry reported that at the annual meeting a request was made that we test the water.  She has found that we can get the water tested at the local Sanitary District for $25 per test and requested which tests we would like done at this time.  It was suggested that we test for E-Coli, chlorine levels and that we check with Matt from AZ City Pest Control regarding any weed spraying residual. 

Marcia has burn permits available which are effective until March 9.  Hours for burning are from 9 AM until 4:00 PM only.  She also reminded attendees that “cacti do not burn” and are not to be placed on the burn piles.

Since there was no one present who would be involved with building an “auxiliary wall” in the lake on Lot 866, the issue was tabled at this time. 

Sherry introduced Gary Swanciger who reported that there is a “soft spot” developing on the property owned by the family and that he suspects that an olive tree which was planted several years ago has developed a root, or roots, which have penetrated the lake wall and are the source of the problem.  He would like to have the tree removed and wall fixed. 

It is reported that there have recently been several dead crappies and/or blue gills and there may be something causing this.  It has also been noted that some of the private swimming pools have filters which are discharging into the lake and this needs to be corrected.  These cannot be emptying into the lake. 

Members are reminded that there will be a need for 2 replacement Board Members in the fall of 2017 and members who wish to consider becoming a part of the Board may want to begin investigating this now. 

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 8 at the Fire Dept. Meeting Room at 6 PM.  There being no other issues/concerns, the meeting was adjourned by Frank Murphy at 6:55 PM. 

FYI – The Board had an executive meeting in establishing the Board Members:

Frank Murphy,  Chairman; Sherry Mitchell, Vice Chairman; John Bothof, Secretary; Tom Kruse, Government Relations; Marcia Inde, Treasurer.
Respectfully submitted,

John H. Bothof
PLA Annual Meeting

January 11, 2017 (Approved 2/8/17)

Board Members present:  Frank Murphy, Sherry Mitchell, Tom Kruse, John Bothof, and Marcia Inde

For General Membership attendees, see sign-in sheet. 

Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM by Vice Chairman Frank Murphy.  The meeting continued with comments by Sherry Mitchell who brought the attendees up-to-date on recent happenings within the structure of the Board as the result of the resignation of Al Inde to illness. 

Frank Murphy then called for review/comments of the minutes of last December’s meeting along with the P&L statement.  Since there were none at this time, on a motion by Frank, with a second by Tom, both were accepted as written. 

Tom then took the floor with comments regarding fish and water procurement.  He reported for the time being, the idea of stocking with goldfish has been dismissed.  He went on to say that the plans to replenish the lake with White Amur are on-going although no arrangements are currently pending. 

Tom then reported on the commitment by Red River Cattle to lease the PLA 349 acre/feet of water for the next five years at $80.00 per acre/foot which essentially ensures the PLA with water the next five years. 

Marcia then reported on ‘lot clean-up’.  She stated that we have received donations from 14 lot owners to have their lots cleaned.  She says that all lots have now been cleaned with exception of Tract B.  There currently remains some burning to be done but it has been too wet and so no burn permit has been obtained.  A burn permit will be purchased when drier weather arrives. 

Marcia reported that there are currently 168 palm trees on Tract D with 5 date palms present.  She will be soliciting bids for trimming the palms next month.  She states that she has been told that the cost for the trimming of the date palms may increase to $50 per tree but is hopeful that the cost for the other trees will remain at $35.

Spraying has been completed on Tract C and 25 lots at an average cost of $30 per lot.  It is suggested that we have this done twice per year to be most effective in weed control and should help in the appearance on the lake and surrounding areas. 

Sherry reported that last year (2016) we spent approx. $5,000 in wall repairs.  Since we have a considerable supply of needed materials left, we have budgeted $3,500 for the coming year.  Planned wall repair should continue soon. 

Mr. Wilder reported that it is estimated we should be able to have the fountain running with expenditures of between 3 to 5 thousand dollars.  We will be using the “lower spray” but will be able to have water movement which should be an improvement to the quality of the lake.  We should be able to accomplish this without additional cost to the membership. 

Commercial sponsors were recognized and members were encouraged to patronize them whenever possible.  They are: Wash and Roll and the Hawkins Realty.  We are especially appreciative to the Hawkins Realty and the benefits to the PLA with the use of other office space, equipment and Sherry.

One new lot owner has become a member of the PLS which increases membership by one.  Other new buyers/members were introduced and welcomed by Sherry. 

With no further business, the meeting was opened to the general membership for questions/comments:  An overview of these is as follows:
  1.  What is the current balance of the checkbook?  Response: Approx. $51,000.
  2. Should we be testing the water being pumped into the lake as well as the lake water?  Response:  We will investigate this.
  3. If Calvin sells his property, what happens to the easements for APS and the boat ramp?  Response:  Members will be able to use the ramp and the controls for APS will be relocated to the area along the fence.  Powering the fountain will be entirely electrical in nature.  A generator will not be used.
  4. What is the status of the need for major repairs to the pump panel controlling the West End Pump?  Response:  A review of the panel by an electrician found the panel “to be a mess but not in need of attention at this time”.
  5. The retention wall proposed by Terry Haven will be reviewed before permission is granted so a precedent regarding future structures is not established.
  6. What can be done to maintain the quality of the lake water?  Response:  This has been discussed with several “experts” who include increasing the number of fish, a dye to give the water a blue color, etc.  One member gave the board a copy of materials for dealing with lakes/ponds with no “flow through” which will be considered.  At present, fish seems to be the best choice.
  7. Has the clearing of the lots in Tract D caused an increase in erosion/trash to have an effect on the lake?  What about heavy rains washing soil and debris into the lake?
  8. Are there Federal Grants which could help with the quality of water in the lake?
  9. We need to investigate the existence of an International Treaty related to migratory birds.
  10. Suggest low-growing vegetation for Tract D which could help with erosion.
  11. If members were to be allowed to “drop out of the Assn” we would be setting a detrimental precedent.
  12. Would arbitration be an appropriate response to the current lawsuit facing the PLA?  If arbitration fails, do we need a vote by the membership to continue with the suit?  Response:  We are discussing the possibility of arbitration with our current legal counsel as well as with a member of the PLA who is a retired attorney.
  13. A Thank You was given to Karl and the members who have worked on the wall repair for a “job well done”. 
There being no further comments, a motion was made by Frank, with the second by Tom, that the meeting be adjourned.  The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for Feb 8th at the Fire Dept. beginning at 6 PM. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 PM.

 Respectfully submitted,

John H. Bothof

PLA Board Meeting December 14, 2016 (approved 1/11/17)

Board Members Present:  Frank Murphy, Sherry Mitchell, John Bothof

            Absent:            Al Inde, Tom Kruse

General Membership attendees: See sign-in sheet

At the request of Al Inde, the meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM by Sherry Mitchell.  She read a statement by Al Inde concerning his immediate resignation from his position on the Board of the PLA due to health reasons.  A motion to accept his resignation was made by Frank Murphy with a second by John Bothof.  There were no objections and the motion was passed.
A motion was made by Frank Murphy that Al’s wife, Marcia Inde be nominated in his place, since she is already a candidate for an open position to be filled in January 2017.  The motion was seconded by John Bothof without objection.  Marcia was seated as a Board Member.
The minutes from the November Meeting were approved as written with no further discussion.  The P&L statement for the month of November was reviewed and passed with no further discussion

OLD Business
Marcia Inde reported that a total of 30 lots had been sprayed for weeks and that all spraying for the year has been finished.  She will be checking on these lots periodically to monitor effectiveness since all work has been guaranteed.
All clean-up burning has been completed and no further burn permits will be available until January of next year.  The hours for burning were also discussed.  They are from 9 AM to 4 PM.
The “fish issue” has been tabled until next spring at which time it will be reviewed and a decision made if the purchase of more White Amur is indicated.
Sherry reported that there is no new information to report on the current lawsuit.
Since Mr. Wilder was not at the meeting, there is no further information to report on the fountain and APS.

Ballots for the January election of Board members, along with invoices for 2017 have been mailed out to all members.
Terry haven distributed a proposed drawing and suggestions for a retention wall which he would like to construct on lot #866 at his own expense.  He has discussed this with various members of the board and was advised at this meeting he should share the plans with Karl Forester when he returns after the holidays and then if okay with Karl, the Board would grant his permission to proceed.
There was discussion regarding rains washing soil and other debris into the lake at times of heavy rains and methods to keep this from happening. 
There is a palm tree which was struck by lightning earlier this year which will need to be removed before it falls over and does damage to both private and PLA property.
Mr. Curtis Ekstrom, a new resident to AZ City and the PLA living on Maui Circle, introduced himself and handed out business cards.  He is a licensed contractor and he will work with any size job..
A notice has been sent to all PLA Members regarding a “New Year’s Party” at Calvin and Janis’ home from 7 PM until the New Year, New York time.  Discussion ensued regarding running the fountain however no decision was made.
The nnual Meeting of the PLA is tentatively scheduled for January 11, 2017 at the Lutheran Church, beginning at 6 PM.
There being no further business, on a motion by Sherry, with a second by John, the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

 John Bothof
PLA Board Meeting November 9, 2016 (approved 12/14/16)
Board Members Present: Al Inde, Chairman, Tom Kruse, Sherry Mitchell, John Bothof          Absent: Frank Murphy

For General Membership attendees, see sign-in sheet.

Minutes of October, 2016 were reviewed.  After no further discussion, they were accepted on a motion by Sherry with a second by Tom. The P & L statement for October was reviewed by Sherry.  With no further discussion, it was accepted on a motion by John with a second by Tom.
OLD BUSINESS:  The "wandering paddle-boat" has been "captured" and after a $30.00 donation to the PLA, has become the property of one of the PLA members. Lot clean-up continues with the spraying of Tract D as the clean-up is finished. The average cost for the spraying amounts to approx. $30.00 per lot. Burn Permits continue to be available both at the Fire Dept. and the PLA/Hawkins Office. Nominations for the up-coming 3 Board vacancies are due by November 15th.  The vacancies were reviewed by Sherry for information for the General Membership.

Tom reported that he has been able to discuss future water leases with Scott Harrison and has an agreement for leasing our water from him for $80.00 per acre foot for the next 5 years.  Yearly payments will be due by the 15th of February of each year.  He also stated that we can possibly expect that our cost per acre foot could rise by that time or that the availability of water could become scarcer.  At this time, one of the members questioned why the Board had not looked for other sources of water.  He further stated that he had done some independent research and found that there are sources with "small amounts" of water available that are for sale and also found that individual members would be able to acquire these rights.  If we were to buy these rights, as extra monies became available, we could, at some point, become assured of an adequate supply of fresh water.

We will plan to "restock" the Lake in the spring with White Amur.  We will also be investigating the cost of replenishing the number of Bass and Crappie.  Members were reminded that we are a "catch and release" lake.  
NEW BUSINESS:  Sherry read an informational letter to the General Membership of the PLA regarding a lawsuit against the PLA by one of its members, Gary Isaacson.

There will be a PLA Social on November 29th from 11 AM to 2 PM, hosted by Phyllis and Cecil Sidwell.  Sherry will be sending further information via Email.

The next meeting will be held on December 14, 2016, at the Fire Dept. meeting room.

Member, Bill Wilder, presented available information on the fountain, including the benefits of having the fountain operating again.   The issue related to "powering” the pumps has not been resolved at this time since we need to get APS "on board' and decide whether to up-grade or replace the power cabinet, for which we have no estimated cost at this time.  We also do not have a possible monthly membership cost for operation but it should be less than $20.00 per month per member.  We will continue to research these questions and keep the membership up-dated.

On a motion by Tom with a second by Sherry, the meeting was adjourned at 7:09 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
John H Bothof

PLA Board Meeting October 12, 2016 (Approved 11/9/16)
Board Members present: Al Inde, Chairman, Sherry Mitchell, & John Bothof          Absent: Frank Murphy, Tom Kruse
For membership attendance see sign-in sheet.

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by Chairman Al Inde.

The minutes of the Sept. 14 meeting were reviewed and accepted with one change: that the meeting would be held at the Fire Dept. instead of the Hawkins Office due to anticipation of the number of members attending.

The P & L statement for the month of Sept. was presented and there were no concerns.  The report was accepted on a motion by John with a second by Sherry.

 Old Business:   Marcia Inde reported that WEED CONTROL had been done on the 14 lots which were cleaned for a cost of $420.00.  She will be checking on the lots in the next 2 to 3 weeks to be sure that the spraying has been effective since it is "guaranteed."  More lots will be cleared in the future and Marcia requested that she be given authority, by the Board, to have them sprayed as they become available.  She was given permission to proceed on a motion by Sherry with a second by John.  Marcia reported that she was given information regarding a "mixture" which, when applied to cut saplings, would kill the sapling, including the roots, and that she was able to find the "mixture" at Tractor Supply so this will be purchased and used on all saplings when they are cut. 

Burn permits are available at the Hawkins Office.  A renewal needs to be obtained every 30 days, which will be taken care of by the Board. 

There have been various reports of straying/loose watercraft, some of which have been "unclaimed" for several months.  Al requests that these be "rescued" and tied-up by the Board and held for 45 days and then sold with the monies going to the PLA.  Members were also reminded that all watercraft have the lot number clearly visible on the boat.

Issues involving "fish" have been "tabled" for the time being.  There was also no new information on the "water" contract.

Discussion on the fountain was not held due to no-one from the "committee" being present.  The question was also asked as to who was on the "committee."  No one attending seemed to know the information so an attempt will be made to find out and when someone from the group is available at the meeting, information regarding progress/concerns will be made available. 

New Business:  A letter will go out to all members stating that there will be 3 vacant positions this coming year for which we will be accepting nominations.  One of these positions will be for the replacement of Al Inde, who will be leaving due to health reasons, and will be for a one-year appointment.  The other two positions will be for those held by Sherry Mitchell and Tom Kruse and will be for three years each.  Anyone interested in being considered for either of these positions is asked to submit his/her name along with a short resume and ballots will be mailed out by December First.

There being no further New Business or further discussion, it was moved by Al that the meeting be adjourned at 6:42 PM.  A second was received from Sherry.  The meeting was opened to a public discussion.  The next meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2016 at the Fire Dept. beginning at 6 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
John H Bothof     
PLA Board Meeting September 14, 2016 (Approved 10/12/16)

Board members present: Al Inde, Chairman, Frank Murphy, Sherry Mitchell, Tom Kruse & John Bothof For a listing of general membership attendees, see sign-in sheet. The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM by Chairman, Al Inde.

The minutes of the July meeting were reviewed and approved on a motion by Sherry with a second by Tom and accepted. Sherry reviewed the P & L statement for the past month. It was moved that it be accepted on a motion by Tom with a second by Frank.

Old Business:

Weed maintenance:  Marcia Inde has ridden with Matt from the AZ City Pest Control and a review of all the lots was made.  Many of the lots have brush and other over-growth which is too high and for which spraying will is not effective, unless they are removed or mowed. There are also many saplings, especially Palo Verde, which need to be removed, since they will not be controlled with spraying alone.  There are 14 lots and Tract C which are "ready to go" at this time.  Cost for spraying will be based on the amount of spray used, costing $2.00 per Gal.  This will not include a pre-emergent, due to it being washed into the Lake if we were to have rain and it killing the fish.  Sherry moved that we proceed with those lots which are "ready to go," with a second by Frank.  Marcia Inde will contact Matt and have him begin with the project.

Clean-up of lots will begin on Oct 1st, in conjunction with Burn Permits, and will continue from where it was "left off" last spring

Tom has been in contact with the ADEQ and was told that we have been essentially removed from the "Waters of the USA" although the paper-work has not been signed.      He also met with the person from whom we have the lease for water and has a "verbal" agreement that we will be able to lease our water for the next 5 years from them for $ 80 per acre ft. 

New Business:

Watercraft:  There have been a number of "runaway" and lose boats on the lake recently.  If these are not claimed with-in a given amount of time, Al asked if they could be disposed of or claimed by another member who might be interested.  Can they be considered "abandoned?"  Marcia will list these on the Web Page to see if we can get a response from the "owner."

Tom and Al discussed recent conversations regarding and buying more fish, including Goldfish and Minnows, as well as additional White Amur.  After considerable discussion, it was decided to "table the matter" for the "time-being."

John and Sherry brought up "the fountain." However since it seems that there are others, not present at this meeting, who are working on information, related costs for repairs, operation, etc. no further discussion was held and the matter "tabled" until those persons can be present.

Al reminded those present that the West-end pump was in need of repair/replacement at a cost which could amount to as much as $25 - 30,000.  He will begin getting estimates for this so it can be taken to the general membership at the annual meeting.

Next Board Meeting will be October 12 at Hawkins Realty

Sherry moved that the meeting be adjourned and opened to general discussion at 7:05 which was seconded by Frank.  This passed by unanimous decision and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

John H Bothof


PLA Board Meeting July 13, 2016 (Approved September 14, 2016)

Board Members present: Frank Murphy, Sherry Mitchell, Tom Kruse, and John Bothof                                                    absent: Al Inde

See sign-in sheet for General Membership attendance.

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM by Frank Murphy, Vice Chairman

The minutes from both May and June were reviewed and approved on a motion by Sherry with a second by Tom.  The P and L statement was reviewed by Sherry with no additional questions or concerns and accepted on a motion by Tom with a second by Frank.


The trimming of the Palm trees is finished and comments are being heard regarding the very good clean-up done by the Trimmers.  (It was also noted that the trimmers were the same as those used by Robson Ranch.}

Pigeons are not being caught and transported at this time since the person doing this is on vacation. Trapping will resume in approximately one month.

Water usage has been just below the amount budgeted for this past six months and if we were to need extra water, we have approximately 50 acre-feet available from                the first half of the year.

We have not yet gotten a second bid for weed control for tract D and are awaiting a second one before we make a decision regarding this.

Fountain activity remains on hold at this time.


There is no planned Board Meeting for August.  Meetings will resume in Sept.

The Board Members have been notified, by one of the Members, of grant monies available regarding "water."  We need to consider whether we need to pursue this, if it applies to effluent water, how it may, or could, affect our current contract for buying water, etc.  Tom will begin looking into this.  He will also be discussing future water purchases and the possibility of a "long-term" contract with our current supplier.

Gnats have been a problem earlier in the season and goldfish can be a help in control.  The question was raised should we consider adding them to the lake?  Tom has been in contact with the fish supplier (of our last shipment of fish), and has been discussing this with her.   We also need to consider increasing the population of the Amir but it seems that the algae has not been a concern this season, so while we remain below the recommended population for a lake our size, we may be able to "stay where we are" for the time being.  Tom will be talking with the supplier later and will discuss this with her.  Current temperatures are not suitable for the transportation of fish at this tie.
We need to review our current insurance policy regarding coverage for the volunteer    membership when working on PLA projects.                                                             

Meeting opened to the General Membership:

One member has several issues/concerns regarding properties adjacent to his. These are unimproved lots and were the first ones addressed when volunteers began cleaning and clearing vacant lots.  He states that the weeds and other over-growth are affecting him and his property, that there are snakes coming from the property and there are weeds growing next to an adjoining wall which will be causing damage to the foundation and wall.  He also feels that the Members of the Board are not interested in addressing concerns of the General Membership.  He was reminded that the Association is not a Home Owners Association and that it has no input or power over what happens on a privately owned lot or property; the Board is strictly a volunteer group which represents the Association and makes limited decisions regarding the Lake, Tract C and Tract D.  He also had questions regarding the fountains/aerators which are in some places on the Lake and feels one could be used in the corner near his property since there is often a layer of scum and sometimes dead fish there.  He was told that the Board did not place the fountains but are privately owned and operated and if he wished to have one in his "corner," he was free to purchase one and have it installed. Regarding debris and accumulation along the banks and in the coves, members who live in these areas have been taking care of these issues.  It was emphasized that we have no paid labor, except for special projects, and all routine clean-up and repair is done on a volunteer basis.  It was also emphasized that if he felt he could make changes to the decisions and how they are handled, he should volunteer for a position when voting is held.

One other member was wondering about the decision made regarding a boat longer than 20 feet.  When he was referred to the By-Laws of the Association, he admitted he had not reviewed them and felt his concern was answered.

The Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 on a motion by Frank with a second by Sherry.

Respectfully submitted,

John Bothof  
PLA Board Minutes June 8, 2016 (Approved  July 13, 2016)

Board Members Present:

            Al Inde, Chairman, Sherry Mitchell, Frank Murphy

            Absent:          John Bothof, Tom Kruse

For names of other PLA members attending, see sign-in sheet.

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM by Al Inde, Chairman.

Minutes from the May meeting were not approved and will be added to the July Agenda

Sherry reviewed the P&L statement and it was approved.  She reported that approx. $3300 was spent on electric, $371 spent on drip oil for well pump and paid the insurance of $1497 which includes the liability and the BOD insurance.  Net income is a loss for May of -$4,494, but that is due to the summer months of less income.

Pigeon pickup is ongoing.

Palm Trees – start marking the palm trees for trimming this weekend and will call the Vendor next week to get a start date.  Any homeowner can have their personal palm trees trimmed for the same price as the PLA bid, which is $35/tree.  All debris will be removed.

Weed Maintenance – Sherry received 1 bid from R&R for an area of 25 x 100’ for $60.  There would be a break in price if the entire lake front was sprayed.  Will get another bid for comparison.

There is no resolution to the Fountain issues at this time.  This agenda item will be tabled for the summer.

New Business

Watercraft requirements and registration – there is a paddle boat loose on the lake with no lot number on it.  This is a must that all watercraft have the lot numbers on their boats for identification.  The other requirement is that boats may not exceed 20 feet.  It was discussed that at the Annual Meeting that these requirements be brought up, plus the equipment that is required on each boat.  All children on the water must be wearing a life jacket.

Bees:  there are 3 different kinds of bees – Yellow Jackets (wasps) are yellow in color, do not swarm, and use water to build their nests.  African Bees are black in color and they do swarm and can be harmful.  Honey bees collect pollen for their hive.  They will sting if agitated.  The beekeeper was called for the honey bee removal and the other incident was for African bees which were destroyed.  The beekeeper cannot be called unless you know exactly where they are located. Once he has been notified it takes 2 to 3 days for his arrival.

The formal meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM on a motion by Sherry and a second from Frank.

The next planned meeting will be July 13 at the Hawkins Office at 6 PM.

Marcia Inde